Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kumher, Bharatpur
Sri Karan Narendra Agriculture University, Jobner, Jaipur Raj.
Office– 05644-240691 (Telefax)

Dr. Navab Singh (b 16 July, 1972) , Senior Scientist and Head, KVK Kumher- Bharatpur, obtained his B.Sc. (Ag.) from MDS University, Ajmer, Rajasthan, M.Sc. (Ag.) and Ph.D. Extension Education from MPUAT, Udaipur, Rajasthan. He has Specialization in Agricultural Extension & Communication, Trainings, Impact Studies, Success Studies, FLD, KVK activities. He had also served as Senior Scientist and Head, KVK Dholpur (SKNAU, Jobner), Nodal Officer College of Agriculture Baseri, Dholpur (SKNAU, Jobner), Assistant Professor at College of Horticulture & Forestry, Jhalawar (Agriculture University, Kota) Rajasthan, Assistant Professor (Agricultural Extension Education) at KVK Anta, Baran, KVK Jhalawar (AU, Kota), KVK Chittorgarh and KVK Sirohi and Nodal Officer NAIP Sirohi (MPUAT, Udaipur) Rajasthan. Dr. Singh has been honoured by the Indian Society of Extension Education as Best KVK Scientist. He has received “Certificate of Best Extension Officer Award-2019” for outstanding contribution in the field of Agriculture Extension in International Conference. He has stood “First position in Oral Lead paper presentation in International Conference”, Best research paper presenter four times in National Seminars. He has published more than 100 research papers, technical articles, technical bulletins, training manuals.
Address: Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kumher, district- Bharatpur, Rajasthan Pin code- 321001
Contact details: Mobile No.: 9414544054 , 7976120212
E-mail ID: / /
- Identity of the Unit:
Krishi Vigyan Kendra is a district level institution engaged in transfer of latest agricultural technologies to the end users for bridging the gap between production and productivity at research station and farmers fields. It works through partnership mode with allied departments and agencies. The KVK Kumher was established on 2nd October, 1988 under the administrative control of the Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner, Rajasthan and presently works under the command of SKN Agriculture University, Jobner, Jaipur. Since inception this KVK has been endeavoring for the upliftment of socio economic condition of the farming community of the district through scientific intervention in the agricultural and allied sectors.
Details of former In charges
Sr No |
Name of Unit Head |
From |
To |
1. |
Dr S N Mundra |
22-02-1989 |
12-12-1989 |
2. |
Dr C L Deshveer |
13-12-1989 |
31-05-1990 |
3. |
Dr L L Dhakad |
01-06-1990 |
30-06-1992 |
4. |
Dr C L Deshveer |
01-07-1992 |
10-07-1996 |
5. |
Dr Kanwal Singh |
11-07-1996 |
14-09-2005 |
6. |
Dr Amar Singh |
15-09-2005 |
31-08-2019 |
7. |
Dr D R Sharma |
01-09-2019 |
30-08-2020 |
8. |
Dr R K Dular |
31-08-2020 |
09-06-2022 |
9. |
Sh. Krishna Awatar Meena |
10-06-2022 |
24-06-2022 |
10 |
Dr Navab Singh |
25-06-2022 |
Continue |
- Aims and Objectives:
- To organize short and long term training course for increased farm production and improved home life and living.
- To develop a programme of outreach into remote tribal areas, to identify marginal and small farmers and train them through work experience on the ICAR,KVK demonstration units.
- To initiate the trainees into agricultural know-how considering them needs and constraints of the tribal villages in the areas of:
a) Crop, fruit and vegetable farming,
b) Development of allied agriculture production activity-poultry, dairying, and goat rearing.
c) Initiating group approach (SHG,s) among the farmer’s for their livelihood development .
d) Developing the entrepreneurial skills among the rural peoples through different income generation activities. - To develop training programme for women to enhance their skill and integrate their effort with the other members of the family towards increasing farm production and income generation.
- To link the training with follow up programmes, to measure and monitor the actual impact of training in terms of improvement in agricultural and ailed production activities through built in interdisciplinary approach.
- Conducting on-farm testing to identify the location specificity of agricultural technologies under various farming systems.
- Organizing frontline demonstrations to establish production potential of various crops and enterprises on the farmers’ fields.
- Organizing need based training of farmers to update their knowledge and skills in modern agricultural technologies related to technology. Assessment, refinement and demonstration and training of extension personnel to orient them in the frontier areas of technology development.
- Creating awareness about improved technologies to larger masses through appropriate extension programmes.
- Production and supply of good quality seeds and planting materials, livestock, poultry and fisheries breeds and products and various bio-products to the farming community.
- Work as resource and knowledge centre of agricultural technology for supporting initiatives of public, private and voluntary sector for improving the agricultural economy of the district.
Thrust Areas:
- Popularizing of High Yielding varieties of Oilseed and Pulse crops.
- Enhancing productivity of horticultural crops thorough crop diversification.
- Scientific Livestock Management with appropriate feeding, breeding and health management practices.
- Integrated Nutrient management in food and fruit crops.
- Quality seed production programme.
- Market led extension.
- Capacity building of Rural Youth and women through vocational training for taking up of income generating activity through SHG.
- Empowerment of farm women and rural youth.
- Developing farm management skills.
- Identification and production of locally available fodder.
Teaching staff details
Photo |
Name |
Designation |
Area of Specialization |
Phone No |
AEIS Profile URL |
Dr. Navab Singh |
Senior Scientist & Head |
Extension Education |
9414544054 | |
Sh Krishna Avatar Meena |
Asstt. Prof |
Plant Protection |
8432305236 |
Dr Yogendra Kumar Meena |
Subject Matter Specialist |
Horticulture |
9914458477 |
Non-Teaching staff details
Photo |
Name |
Designation |
Phone |
Mamta Kumari Tanwar |
Farm Manager/TA |
Dr Seema Yadav |
Farm Manager/TA |
Sh Rakesh Kumar Singh |
CG-1 |
Sh Chhote Lal Sharma |
Agriculture Supervisor |
Sh Bhim Singh |
Driver |
- |
Sh Pushkar Singh |
Class IV |
- |
- |
Project: Ongoing
1. NICRA-TDC (ICAR- CRIDA) – 2011-2025
Facilities or Infrastructure:
S. No. |
Name of building |
Source of funding |
Stage |
Complete |
Incomplete |
Completion Date |
Plinth area (Sq.m) |
Expenditure (Rs.) |
Starting Date |
Plinth area (Sq.m) |
Status of construction |
1. |
Administrative Building |
March, 1995 |
- |
Maintained by EO SKNAU Jobner |
Apr.1995 |
50% Building damage |
2. |
Farmers Hostel |
1995 |
- |
Maintained by EO SKNAU Jobner |
Apr.1995 |
100% damage |
3. |
Staff Quarters (6) |
March, 2006 |
400 Sqm |
Maintained by EO SKNAU Jobner |
Apr. 2006 |
Good condition |
4. |
Demonstration Units (2) |
1991 |
- |
1991 |
Partially damage |
5 |
Fencing |
March,20 06 |
500M |
Maintained by EO SKNAU Jobner |
Apr. 2006 |
1500M |
complete |
6 |
Roof Water harvesting system |
March, 2007 |
Maintained by EO SKNAU Jobner |
July 2007 |
Damage |
7 |
Threshing floor |
March, 2007 |
Maintained by EO SKNAU Jobner |
Apr. 2007 |
Good condition |
8 |
Farm godown |
March, 2008 |
Maintained by EO SKNAU Jobner |
Apr.2008 |
Good condition |
9 |
Other- RSLDC Hostel |
Govt. of Raj. |
Feb. 2007 |
- |
16.00 Lacs |
- |
- |
Good condition |