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KVK Ajmer
Identity of the unit
- The Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tabiji, Ajmer was established in the year 1992 at Tabiji farm which is approx. 12 Km. away from district headquarter on Ajmer-Beawar Road. It falls under “Agro-climatic zone III-A” (Semi Arid Eastern Plain zone) of Rajasthan. The center is engaged in accomplishing the job of transfer of technology in the field of agriculture for the benefit of farming community in general. The basic objective is to increase the agricultural production in the country and to improve the living standard of people.
Name : Dr. Dharmendra Singh Bhati
Designation : Senior Scientist & Head
Qualification : Ph.D. (AG Ext.Ed.) SKNAU, Jobner, M.Sc. (Ext. Ed.)
Contact No. : 9414536224
E-mail : dsbhati.dee@sknau.ac.in
Details of former IN charges
Name of the Unit Head
Dr. G. S. Shektawat
April, 1993
Dr. G N. Mathur
April, 1993
Dr. K. S. Khangarot
Dr. G N Mathur
June, 2016
Dr. Dinesh Arora
June, 2016
June, 2018
Dr. Dharmendra Singh Bhati
June, 2018
Organize short term and long-term vocational training courses in agricultural and allied sectors for farmers and rural youths with the emphasis on learning by doing for higher production on farms and generating self employment. Conducting on farm testing for identifying technologies in terms of location specific sustainable land use system. Organize trainings to update the extension personnel with emerging advances in agricultural research on regular basis. Organize front line demonstrations on various crops on proven technologies to generate production data and feed-back information. Work as Knowledge Resource Centre of agricultural technology for supporting initiatives of public, private and voluntary sector for improving the agricultural economy of the district.Thrust Areas
To accomplish the mandates given by ICAR, KVK Ajmer has identified major thrust areas as follows.
Improvement of crop productivity through Improving soil fertility by promoting use of organic manures such as compost and vermi-compost. Enhancement of productivity of kharif onion, tomato, chilies and cauliflower. Improvement of breed status of local goat and cattle by selective breeding. Organize training programmes for rural youth to develop entrepreneurship. Produce and supply true to the type fruit plants. Popularize IFS, Azolla cultivation (at farmers’ fields) for supplementary feeding of livestock. Organize programmes to enhance adoption of seed spices cultivation. Establishment of live demonstration units at KVK for imparting skill oriented trainings to rural and unemployed youth for profitable enterprises and horizontal spread of activities.Staff information
Tel. No.
Dr. D S Bhati
Ext. Edu.
Dr. S K Sharma
Ag. Entomology
Dr R Porwal
Asso. Professor
Dr Ramakant Sharma
Asso. Professor
Dr Arun Pratap Singh
Sh Mukesh Ojha
Sh. Ghanshyam Das
Sh Raja Ram
- Projects – Completed & Significant output
Project done
Progeny orchard & ornamental nursery
KVK Ajmer is pioneer in establishing Progeny Orchard & Ornamental Nursery under the revolving fund scheme of ICAR. This has enabled the KVK as unique place for the training in all the aspects of nursery management and plant propagation. It is worth highlighting that several mother orchard (nurseries) in similar pattern has been established at farmers’ fields. Conversely, several lacs of fruit plants like aonla, ber, pomegranate, guava, lemon, bael, papaya etc. are being produced regularly at these nurseries of Ajmer. Along with this, shade net house and poly house have also been constructed to produce high quality saplings of fruit, vegetables and flowers. Every year, 10000-15000 plants of aonla, ber, pomegranate, guava, papaya, bael, lime etc are produced for the benefit of farmers.
Technology Assessment & Refinement Through Institution Village Linkage Programme (TAR-IVLP) in Ajmer district of rainfed agro-eco system under National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP) of ICAR (1999-2004)
With the objective of increasing the productivity of field crops, vegetables and livestock enterprises with stability and sustainability, a project on Technology Assessment & Refinement Through institution Village Linkage Programme of ICAR was undertaken by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ajmer of Directorate of Extension Education, Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner under world bank sponsored National Agricultural Technology Project in the year 1999-2000. The project was undertaken in PSR mode to resolve the production problems of cotton-based production system under Rainfed Agro-eco System of Ajmer district in Rajasthan. The thematic areas included NRM, IPNS and IPM with thrust points of ensuring food and economic security of the farm families.
Agro-eco system diagnostic analysis was conducted through PRA tools by a team of multidisciplinary Scientists in two villages, Saradhana and Mayapur of Panchayat Samiti Pisangan comprising of 1000 farm families (722 Saradhana and 278 Mayapur) in the year 1999. With the objective to horizontally spread the project activities, another three villages were selected in the year 2003 namely, Tabiji, Nadi I & Nadi II and Daurai of Panchayat Samiti Pisangan comprising of 1000 farm families. In all, technological interventions/modules under arable farming based production system and modules under livestock based production system were designed and implemented. Multidisciplinary inter institutional approach was followed by collaborating the senior scientists of Agricultural Research Station, Durgapura, Jaipur and Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ajmer. In order to translate the concept of IVLP in real sense, strong linkage mechanism was developed at various levels equipped with advisory services and farmers training programmes.
Agro-ecosystem diagnostic analysis following the PRA tools and techniques was conducted in order to inventorize the biophysical and socio-economic factors and characterize the resource base and thereby identifying the micro-farming situations.
Adhoc Research Project under AP-cess fund scheme, ICAR, New Delhi entitled “Assessment of Technologies under various micro-farming situations for increasing the productivity levels of field crops, vegetables, and flowers on farmers’ field in Ajmer district of Rajasthan” (1999-2002)
The project was carried out with the following objectives:
1.To assess the production technologies for pearlmillet, groundnut, cotton, and chickpea under unirrigated condition.
2.To assess the production technologies for wheat, barley, Kharif onion, chillies, tomato, cauliflower, chrysanthemum, marigold, aster and roses under irrigated conditions.
3.To test the recently released varieties of field and horticultural crops for their suitability over the prevalent once.
4.To estimate benefit cost ratio of technologies for their socio-economic viability.
5.To popularize the socio economically viable production technologies among farming community.
J. Projects – On-going
Project done
Seed Hub (Pulses)
In the year 2017-18, a seed hub was sanctioned under the project on “Creation of seed-hubs for increasing indigenous production of pulses in India”. A processing plant has been established at KVK.
A sum of Rs. 50.00 lacs for sanctioned for creating infrastructure for seed-hub. A sum of Rs. 100 lacs was also sanctioned as revolving fund.
Every year both in kharif and rabi season, approximately 700 to 800 q pulse production (moong bean and chickpea) is undertaken both at KVK and farmer’ fields.
- Total land area: 12.70 ha
- Net cultivable: 7.50 ha
- Other demo units: 2.0 ha
S. No.
Year of Purchase
i)Nov., 1986
ii)March, 2011
i)May, 1990
ii)March, 2011
i)June, 86
ii)March, 2007
iii)Nov. 2020
Disc. Harrow
i)March, 86
ii)March, 07
Seed Cum Fertilizer
ii)March, 2007
Disc. Plough
March, 2007
M.B. Plough
March, 2007
Bund Farmer
March, 2007
March, 1986
Tractor mounted spray machine
Jan. 2022
Demonstration units at KVK Ajmer
Progeny Orchard & Ornamental Nursery –1996
A Progeny Orchard has been established at KVK Ajmer. This is used for imparting trainings and for establishment of the progeny orchards at the farmers’ field.This unit was established with ultimate aim of production and supply of true to the type quality fruit plants in 2.5 ha area. 16 Mother Orchard & Nurseries in similar pattern has been established at farmers’ fields. Every year, 15-20 thousand different fruit plants are produced for farmers Several groups of farmers from Gujrat, Haryana, Delhi and other districts of Rajasthan come to see this Progeny Orchard. True-to-type planting materials are being provided to the farmers as well as organizations as per their need.
Crop technology park
KVK established crop demonstration unit at its instructional farm for the transfer of technology.
KVK scientists show the performance of seasonal crop variety and improved agronomic and plant protection practices among the farming community.
Crop cafeteria has been established at KVK in 0.2 ha area. Crop cafeteria serves the purpose of demonstration for the learning of the farmer. The said crop cafeteria serves the purpose of demonstration for the learning of the farmers. The farmers of the district Ajmer as well as surrounding districts and extension personnel of the district.
Seed Production Unit
The quality seed is of paramount importance in enhancing
the production. In the seed production unit, seeds of variety of crops are produced and at the same time the farmers are given training to produce the quality seed by themselves at their farm. This activity is important in meeting the requirement of timely availability of seed by the farmers. The seeds produced by the KVK are sold to farmers directly or they are distributed through the Department of Horticulture and Agriculture through mini-kits.
Backyard Poultry Unit under RKVY project – 2018
It is an enterprise with low initial investment but higher economic returns & provide employment to the rural small scale and marginal farmers. To establish backyard poultry production system with minimal input suitable for semi-arid region, a unit of backyard poultry has also been established
at KVK Ajmer under RKVY project. At present, 530 chicks of kroiler and Kadaknath breed being reared. The visiting farmers appreciate this activity. Total 287 chicks have been sold and Rs. 34,700 has been generated so far.
Mushroom production unit – 2018
A Mushroom Production Unit of Size – 40 x 10 x 9 ft was established at the KVK during 2018.
This viable unit was established for imparting training to the rural youth for subsidiary occupation and commercial production of white button and oyster mushroom cultivation. This unit was constructed with locally available material such as Bamboo sticks, crop waste and covered polythene sheet.
Azolla production units – 35
Centre is pioneer in developing production technologies of azolla as supplementary feeding of livestock. This unit has been started with the objective to teach farmer its production at their own field. This can be utilized for feeding of milch animals, broiler and layers. This will help in producing livestock and poultry products at cheaper rate. Several quintals of Azolla has been provided to the farmers for establishment of Azolla units at their fields.
This KVK has provided production technology of azolla to several KVKs, ICAR institutes, NGOs & farmers’ In all, 5945 kg azolla has been produced and 2971 units established at farmer’s field
Compost Unit for mushroom cultivation
Mushroom compost Unit of Size – 27 x 12 x 7 ft was established at the KVK during 2019-20. This viable unit was established for imparting training to the rural youth for subsidiary occupation and commercial production of compost for white button mushroom cultivation. Every year 25-30 qt of compost was prepared by mixing various ingredients as a substrate for mushroom production.
Bio-gas Production Unit - 2019.
A small family type bio-gas production unit is established at KVK Ajmer to depict the use of alternate source of energy. The visiting farmers are taught to generate bio-gas from organic substances such as cattle-dung and bio-waste of kitchen and farm waste
.Rabbit production unit – 2019
Again, to start the skill-oriented programme for self-entrepreneurship, a rabbit rearing unit has also been established at KVK to encourage the farming community for self-employment in low cost mode. At present, 45 rabbits of Soviet Chinchilla and White Giant breed being reared. Main objective is to provide livelihood security to landless & marginal farmers and rural youth.
Rain water Harvesting & Fish Production - 2001
A rain water harvesting structure has been constructed of 28 lakh liter water capacity. Fish production has also been started in this structure as one component of Integrated Farming System It is with diameter of 21 mt x depth of 6’ with storage capacity of 28 lac lit. water. Fish rearing unit consisting of Rohu, Mrigal & Katla breed is being reared.
Goat Rearing Unit - 2019
Goat farming has become a profitable business and it requires a very low investment because of its multi-functional utility. To start the skill oriented programme for self-entrepreneurship, a goat rearing unit has been established at KVK Under RKVY project to raise breeding bucks and supply to farmers for improvement in their herds. Initially, 25 goats and 02 bucks of Sirohi breed have been provided. This unit is beneficial to the visiting farming community so that they can be encouraged to adopt this as subsidiary occupation. It provides additional Income generation for the rural households
Fodder demonstration unit -
A fodder production unit has been established in 0.25 ha area at KVK farm consisting of napier grass, bajra napier hybrid grass, triple species hybrid bajra, titli mater, anjan grass, dhaman grass, drumstick and subabool varieties. the objective of this unit is to provide green fodder technology for round-the-year production and to cater the need of green fodder in less water condition
They can be propagated from cuttings or from root slips. One metric ton of Napier Grass can generate 90 cubic meters of bio gas, convertible in to 170 KW/day electricity.
Quail rearing Unit –
A quail unit has been established at KVK Ajmer in the year 2019 consisting of 50 Japanese quail. Japan quails are small birds & commercially grown for their eggs and meat. Its eggs contain less cholesterol. Investment & maintenance is very less as compared to other birds. It requires less floor space and lays 300 eggs/ year.
Vermicompost Unit
The KVK has installed 40 vermicompost units for primarily imparting training purposes and also to provide the quality earthworms for establishment of the units at the farmers’ field. This KVK is popularizing organic farming & vermi-composting since 1996. Every year, KVK Ajmer establishes nearly 7-8 hundred units of vermi-compost at farmers field and sells approx. 50-60 q of vermi-compost. The KVK has installed vermicompost units for primarily imparting training purposes and also to provide the quality earthworms for establishment of the units at the farmers’ field. We are producing Vermicompost, Nadep compost & Super compost. Nadep compost and super compost is used at the KVK farm where we produce breeder seeds. Vermicompost is used in progeny orchar & nursery developed at KVK. The farmers of the district, surrounding district and other state come, see and develop Vermicompost unit at their back yards.
Model unit of Sheep farming
A model unit of Sheep breed Avishaan consisting of 11 sheep has been set up at KVK for demonstration and training purpose. Model unit established under RF costing Rs 0.50 lakh.
Avishaan breed of sheep developed at CSWRI, Avikanagar. It has more weight, milking capacity and with quality of wool.
Incubator cum hatcher unit for bird’s production
A hatcher unit for birds’ production has been established at KVK for hatching eggs of poultry and quail. This incubator cum hatcher unit has a capacity of hatching 1000 eggs in one cycle. The objective of hatcher unit to produce chicks of Kadaknath breed for KVK demonstrations as well as for small poultry farmers.