
ARSS, Diggi


This is one of the important research sub stations of Sri Karan Narendra Agriculture University, Jobner (Jaipur). It came into existence in 1976. In addition to various research activities, the station has been producing different important seeds of Kharif and Rabi crops. During Kharif season, Moong, Urdbean, Til, Sorghum, Arhar, etc., and during Rabi, Wheat, Barley, Gram, Mustard, Fenugreek, Coriander, Cumin are being produced. Climatically, the station is classified under zone IIIa, i.e., semi-arid eastern plain with an average 525 mm annual rainfall. Abnormal rainfall pattern coupled with irregular distribution is one of the critical bottleneck hurdles in agricultural production. Further, the geographical area of Tonk district is 717,958 ha, and cultivable area is about 475,115 ha, with land under important crops and vegetables. The famous Kalyanji Temple is situated in the village Diggi, which is about 2 km away from this research station. This station is about 60 km away from the district headquarters, 120 km from SKN Agriculture University - Jobner. The station is situated about 80 km from Jaipur on Jaipur - Kekri - Bhilwara road. CSWRI, Avikanagar, is about 9 km away from this station. This station has about 50 ha of land, and the soils of the farm are loamy to clay loam with cultivable area of 42 ha.

Unit Head


Name: Dr. B. L. Naga Assistant Professor (Entomology) and officer in charge.

  • Joined as Officer Incharge: 5.4.2021, has a brilliant academic career. Has over 26 years of experience in the field of agriculture, starting from 1997. Also has extensive experience in farm management, research, teaching, and extension work. Presently working as the officer in charge at ARSS-Diggi from April 2021 onwards.

Former Incharges

1 Dr. A. L. Babel 1.2.2013 31.10.2018
2 Dr. D. K. Gupta 1.11.2018 1.4.2021
3 Dr. B. L. Naga 5.4.2021 continue

Identity of the unit: -

·         Quality seed production of important crops of Kharif viz. Moong,Urd. Til, Sorghum, Guar, Arhar etc and Rabi viz. Wheat,Barley, Gram, Field pea, Mustard, Taramira, Fenugreek, Cumin, Corianderetc.

·         Seed processing, packing and selling of seeds to government agencies and farming community.

Aims and Objectives: -

·         To conduct verification trials of various units of SKNAU, Jobner.

·         To produce Breeder and TFL seeds of important crops of Kharif and Rabi.

·         To provide high quality Seeds and technological knowledge how to farming community for their betterment.

Mandates: -

·           To plan, coordinate and monitor based agricultural research.

·           To coordinate and monitor the Breeder and TFL seed programme.

·           Processing, packing and selling of seeds.

·           Verification of different genotypes and various technologies conducted by various units of the university.

·           To impart technical guidance to farmers of the area through various types of training programmes being organized by line department.

·           To develop linkage with other organization for crop oriented research.

Thrust areas: -

ARSS, Diggi (Tonk) has identified major thrust areas as following: -

·           Development & assessment of specific technologies suitable for the zone.

·           To carry out basic and strategic need-based research on major crops.

·           To identify suitable crop varieties and their crop management practices for rainfed and irrigated crops.

·           Production and supply high quality seeds of important crops of the area.

·           To provide technical guidance to farmer community.

Faculty Details

S.No Photo Name Designation Area of Specialization Email Phone No.


Dr. B. L. Naga Asstt. Prof. Entomology 9414822306


Dr. Ram Narayan Jat STA Agronomy 9413710389


Sh. Ram Sukh Jat Ag. Supervisor 9414439415


Sh. Munna Khan Class IVth 9660893275


Sh. Raju Lal Mali Driver 9982777745

Facility or Infrastructure

• Total Farm area : 50.0 ha.
• Cultivated area : 42.0 ha.
• Rainfed : 42.0 ha.
• Irrigated : Not assured
• Office Building : 4 room , 4 hall and Lat bath
• Seed processing unit : one • Seed Godowns : Three • General store : Two • Implement shade : Two
• Threshing floor with tin shed : Two
• Open Well : Two • Farm ponds : Two

Note :- seed production being carried out at this station is entirely depends on quantity of water stored in ponds through water harvesting in rains.