

About the Directorate:

In order to address the challenges of agricultural growth and up-grading quality of higher agriculture education, Sri Karan Narendra Agriculture University has established a separate Directorate of Human Resource Development. The Directorate has identified various activities and programme such as enhancing experiential learning of agriculture students, promote excellence and capacity building of faculty in cutting edge areas, up-gradation of skill and emerging disciplines to bring systemic reform and institutional development in higher agricultural education with a view to increase the scope and effectiveness of the University.


  • Improving rural youth with knowledge and skill in frontier area of Agriculture and Technology, particularly Biotechnology, Dairy Technology, Food Technology and Nanotechnology etc.
  • Commercialization of innovation and technologies through intellectual property rights and knowledge sharing.
  • Capacity building of the University faculty and staff.


The Director HRD has the following functions:

  • Organizing and conducting induction training programme for newly appointed teachers in the University and refresher courses for in service teachers/scientists.
  • Organizing advance training courses in frontier areas of agriculture, research management, educational technology etc, for capacity building of the faculty and staff.
  • Commercialization of innovation and technologies through organized intellectual propriety right and knowledge sharing system.
  • Organizing group discussion, seminars and workshops on areas of topical interest in agricultural research and education system.
  • Improving faculty competence through participation of faculty in National/International conferences/symposia/seminars/workshops/trainings and fellowships.
  • Assessment studies in areas pertaining to productivity of faculty, their training needs etc. and develop data bank of human resources in the University.
  • Introduction of best teacher/researcher/student/scholar awards.

Dr. R.N. Sharma

Details of Former Directors:

S. No.

Name of Director



Dr. V.K. Yadav

Jan. 07, 2015

Jun. 30, 2016

Dr. R. Paliwal

July, 01 2016

Feb. 02, 2020

Dr. S. Mukherjee

Feb. 03, 2020

Aug. 31, 2020

Dr. B.L. Kakraliya

Sep. 02, 2020

June, 07.2023

Dr. M. L. Jakhar

June 07, 2023

Dec 2023

Major Training/Seminars/Winter Schools/Workshops Organized


A 21- days, IV Orientation Programme for newly recruited Assistant Professors and SMS of SKNAU was organized by Directorate of Human Resource Development, SKNAU, Jobner from 1st to 21st December, 2021 at University headquarter, Jobner. Sixteen Assistant Professors and SMS were participated in the orientation programme. The main objective of this orientation programme is to acquaint the newly recruited faculty with the university functioning in Teaching, Research & Extension activities and to know about the general service rules and regulations, financial management and other day to day working of University.

IV Orientation programme organized by DHRD


A 21-days ICAR Sponsored winter school on “Advance Production Technologies of Underutilized Vegetable Crops under Arid and Semi-arid conditions” organized by Deptt. of Horticulture, SKNCOA & Directorate of HRD, SKNAU, Jobner from 21st February to 13th March, 2022. Twenty three participants from different states were participated in the Winter School.

A Workshop on “Virtual Classroom Management System” was organized by Deptt. of Statistics, Maths & Computer Sci., SKNCOA & Directorate of HRD, SKNAU, Jobner on 22nd February, 2022. The Workshop was conducted both on physical as well as Virtual mode and Sixty Teachers/Scientists of our university were participated in the workshop. The main objective of this workshop is to acquaint our University Faculty with the Virtual Classroom Management System during this covid-19 period.


A 21-days ICAR Sponsored winter school on “Disease Scenario in Climate Change Conditions - Challenges, Experiences, Innovation and Future Prospects” organized by Deptt. Of Plant Pathology, SKNCOA & Directorate of HRD, SKNAU, Jobner from 1st to 21th March, 2022. Twenty one participants from seven states were participated in the Winter School.
Winter school of Plant Pathology organized at SKNAU, Jobner

8th International Conference (Hybrid Mode) on “Plant Pathology: Retrospect and Prospects” was Jointly organized by Indian Psychopathological Society, New Delhi and SKN Agriculture University, Jobner from 23rd to 26th March, 2022 at SKNCOA, Jobner. The International Conference was inaugurated by his Excellency and Governor of Rajasthan, Hon’ble Shri Kal Raj Mishra on 23rd March, 2022. There were six hundred Scientists/Teachers from different countries participated in the International Conference, Physical as well as Hybrid Mode.


21- days, 5th Orientation Programme for newly recruited Assistant professors and SMS of SKNAU, Jobner was organized by Directorate of Human Resource Development at RARI, Durgapura, Jaipur SKNAU, Jobner from September 21st to 11th October 2023. Thirty Nine Assistant professors and SMS were participated in this orientation programme. The main objective of this orientation programme is to acquaint the newly recruited faculty with the university functioning in Teaching Research & Extension activities and to know about the general service rules and regulation.
21 days ICAR Sponsored winter school on “Livelihood Security and doubling of farmer’s income through Agro- Horti based Integrated farming system” from 15th November to 05th December, 2022 organized by Deptt. of Agronomy, RARI, Durgapura & Directorate of HRD, SKNAU, Jobner. 25 participants from different states were participated in the winter School.


21 days ICAR Sponsored winter school on “Advances in Agricultural Waste Management for Environment Safety, Soil Health Management and energy production” from 18th Jan. to 07th Feb. 2023 by Dr. S.K. Dadhich, Assoc. Science and Agril. Chemistry, SKNCOA, Jobner & Directorate of HRD, SKNAU, Jobner. 25 participants from different state were participated in the winter School.